Tricks with simple things at home

Try these tricks with simple things available at home.


Spic 'n' Pan

Use Alka-Seltzer to clean your toilet.

So you’re having friends for dinner in 20 minutes, and you’ve just noticed your grimy toilet? No worries— drop in a couple of tablets of Alka-Seltzer, leave for ten minutes and then easily wipe scum away! The fizzing action of Alka Seltzer works as a powerful cleaning agent, so you don't have to get your hands dirty.

Sporty Spice

Use dryer sheets to freshen stinky shoes.

Good news: You're making good on your promise to hit the gym every day. Bad news: Your running shoes and gym bag smell to high heaven! Until you can give them a good wash this weekend, air out those bad boys by stuffing dryer sheets in them and leaving overnight. The sheets will absorb the odor so you can hit the gym tomorrow, odor-free!

Bottle Service

Use old wine bottles to make your boots stand upright.

Make use of those leftover holiday wine bottles by cleaning them out and placing them into your boots to keep their shape. The average wine bottle works in almost every boot, and they won't stretch them out like some shoe shapers can.

Bright and Shiny

Use lemon and salt to shine copper and brass.

Next time you throw a dinner party, impress your friends by pulling out Granny's good copper candleholders. To shine in a pinch, grab a half a lemon dipped in salt and rub it over the candlesticks (or any other copper or brass item), and then polish with a soft cloth dipped in water. VoilĂ ! Your table is set.

In a Pinch

Ran out of shaving cream? Well, there's something in your kitchen that can help: olive oil. Because olive oil is thicker than you think, it works well on coating your legs or face giving you a nice shave without razor burn. And because it's so moisturizing, you won't even need to apply lotion afterward!


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