1. Apply lipstick after washing with warm water and drying.

2. To prevent hair splitting apply lemon juice at the tip of the hair.

3. Hold hands in the freezer for a few minutes immediately after applying nail polish it will not go off easily.

4. Brush with ice cube after applying lipstick it sticks to the lips properly.

5. Apply Olive Oil mixed with equal amount of cucumber & lemon juice to remove black color from knees and elbows.

6. Washing face in coconut water makes it brighter.

7. Wash hair after applying curd, hair will become black and feel fresh.

8. Hair will grow stronger if washed in water boiled with spinach.

9. Chew one tender mango tree leaf every day to clear throat and maintain sound purity.

10. To prevent Lip cracking apply honey mixed with equal amount of coconut oil before going to sleep.

11. To clean oily face, dip cotton in Lemon Juice, apply on face and wash in warm water.

12. Apply caster oil regularly on eyelashes to grow them better.

13. To make dry skin soft apply the mix of Olive oil, lemon juice & cucumber juice.

14. Frequently applying glycerin on lips reduces black color.

15. Keep the eyebrow pencil in the fridge for sometime before cutting, its core will not break.

16. Make your fingers beautiful by applying lemon juice mixed with honey.


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